Posted in "1 my books"

Agnijaat and Agnishatdal March, Chaitra in shoptly

Agnijaat and Agnishatdal March, Chaitra were shifted to and if they don’t do what payhip did the ezines will stay in shoptly from this month onwards. the issues published in payhip will be shifted here too, give me two months- april and may!

The links for now:

Agnishatdal link:


Posted in "1 my books"

Agnishatdal Falgun, February review by Troy David Loy

Agnishatdal Falgun 1424 Critique
by Troy David Loy

Welcome, O kind readers! Here is my coverage of the previous issue of this eZine! I hope you enjoy it!

Let us begin… virtual trip to India:
Good selection of colors for this month’s image, just right for Holi!

Shraddharghya – Salutations:
This image shows a nice balance between light shades, in the flower held, to darker, in the hand holding said flower and background.

Ashutosh Mukherjee:
Here was truly a scholar and gentleman of advanced thinking, whose ideas on
education were unconventional and needed in his era, and needed now, in my own country. Too often is education decried by conservatives as “horribly elitist” when in fact it raises all to a better level than before when done well and wisely, not just elites.

Such a classic writer deserves a close look from this critic, as I’ll have to read any Ingreji translations of his works I can. His conscientiousness as a worker serves as a model to emulate in my own pursuits!

Stories reflections and thoughts:
This image uses simple shapes and colors, appearing as a chest of pearls, to very good effect.

I liked this piece a lot. The idea of one year welcoming the next is brilliant, and the advice it gives sound, at least from my perspective. Good work, Hemdiva!

Not cursing the darkness:
Null, this month, speaks on positive note, with hope for the future of his nation despite the evident present turmoil.

The Black queen 2:
Nguyen seeks marriage with his resident village’s chief’s daughter, getting it, and fathering a son a year later. It will be interesting to read the next chapter in his life.

Pritamji and his Nuskas:
A discussion of home remedies takes place on a walking path between two friends. Well-written and humorous yet without sarcasm – largely fictional.

Yesterday was a visitor:
Good verse by Dom. It notes the difficulty of seeing the future and relative ease of the same with the past.

K3 of Kolkata…:
Bitter Pill critiques the loss of genuine refinement and culture in K-town by usurpers to leadership.

A good piece of verse on the passing of seasons, and the desire for Springtime’s coming. Excellent, Freya!

Midnight Tolls:
Gayle’s verse on the grieving of late night wakefulness, and the comfort that comes with sleep. I enjoyed this one.

Child of woods:
Kevin Cooper reviews the authoress’s book, Child of woods, with an excerpt from the story “spurned lover.”

Star of the Month: Amita Dutt
I’d love to see her dance, so I’ll be looking for online recordings, however limited the effect when seeing her live and in person. Ah, I’ve found a link:

Cool! Indian flutes! Interesting that they have been developed independent of those in the West, and are perhaps more ancient!

Sikkil Kunjumani and Neela:
Two flautists I’m listening to as I type this. These ladies could play! Here’s a link I’ve found to a good collection of their music on YouTube:

Minutes together*
Image of a child reading with large insects or perhaps insect-faeries with him as he reads. Good mix of shapes and color!

Four image-poems from the authoress’s new illustrated poetry book. These are good! Do check out the work their published in!

Bhandananda Uvach
Good satire, with the message that evil always seeks to avert blame from itself onto others.

Jonakir alo – firefly, and Neela aasman – blue sky: Good verses, both of these. I’ll practice reading them in their original languages!

Valentine’s Day:
Good image, showing two lovers in Western formal dress, seen almost in silhouette as they dance together.

Bengal this month
This month shows an image depicting the romance of Shiva and Parvati, together, with nice attention of details and color balance!

Glimpses from Past: Al Biruni:
Here is an interesting scholar, who if I’m not mistaken commented on what could be a surviving work in Arabic translation of Aryabhata. Worth looking into deeper!

Story from Red Puran – Syamantak Mani
A tale here of a magical gem of great power that changes hands in very unfortunate ways to those handling it, finally finding its way to Krishna.

Agnishatdal and Agnijaat:
Two simple but well-balanced images, one of a lotus, the other of a four-leafed clover. Spoiler 1: Pic from Agnijaat: Beautiful piece with brilliant colors just right for Holi.

behind the veil:
Interesting cartoons, commenting on the deceptive nature of media coverage.

That’s it for Falgun’s critique, and I’ll be with you again next month with Chaitra’s!

…And in proper Soruggon to Anglic:
Talotaa frang. Talotaa kas. Talotaa tranga suulaat.
“Be safe. Be well. Be brilliant as the stars.”

Copyright © Troy David Loy, 2018

Posted in "1 my books"

The lotus of fire republished in Amazon and createspace

I republished them quite some time ago, just as I have shared that I wont add any more titles in Amazon or createspace instead of that I will change the contents of those titles annually. In case one of the makeovers conquer reader’s hearts!

So if you want to, you can check out, their prices are bit lower too, that has been the prime target and in Kindle I have sliced down the price a lot but not much success in createspace though! 😦

Here are the links for you:

The Lotus of fire

Posted in Uncategorized

A bouquet of wildflowers republished in amazon and createspace

I republished them quite some time ago, just as I have shared that I wont add any more titles in Amazon or createspace instead of that I will change the contents of those titles annually. In case one of the makeovers conquer reader’s hearts!

So if you want to, you can check out, their prices are bit lower too, that has been the prime target and in Kindle I have sliced down the price a lot but not much success in createspace though! 😦

Here are the links for you:

Posted in my book excerpts

the heart beats on poem 3

Sometimes a little love
Can work wonder,
A few words of kindness,
A little shelter from rain,
An selfless act of kindness
Can revive a broken soul,
From plunging into the abyss
Of self-destruction.

We sometimes get so miserly
To give
Unselfish compliment
Selfless affection
A little encouragement
Or simply holding a lonely hand,
What’s there to lose?

Hyderabad 16.6.15