Black Mist and other stories

Black mist and other stories

ISBN-13: 978-1502895233 (CreateSpace-Assigned)
ISBN-10: 1502895234
BISAC: Fiction / Ghost


black mist review by troy


“One night, I was returning from college, the bus dropped us past midnight. I had to walk past the manor….”

“I swear… I could hear someone following me… I could hear the sound of the small bells of her payel and her bangles all through the way… but every time I looked back I saw a black bitch following me at a distance…”

“Then….?” The kids used to ask in chorus.


“I fell sick that night….” the story teller continued grimly.

“Doctors could not analyze the cause of my fever, high fever. Grandma used to stay in my room all night.”

“That night she suddenly woke up feeling strange, as if something was really wrong…. When she looked at my bed she swore she saw a woman sitting beside me. In the semi darkness she could see that it was a very beautiful woman wearing the dresses of British Era notch girls… glittering lehenga (Indian long skirt), choli (top that comes with her), chunni (stole) and ornaments of pure gold studded with real gems! They were glittering in the moonlight that scattered on the bed, her hair was long and not braided, it fell all over her body like another veil, black one.”


“Who is it?” she mumbled incoherently.

“She just vanished right in front of my eyes…..but not before she could see her eyes…. They were glowing like the eyes of predators in dark… “a shudder ran through my spine”…your grandma told me later.” Her father would have continued the story, surrounded by a bunch of gaping kids, swallowing every word that came out of his mouth.


“She said she felt like fainting but gathered her nerves and started to shriek. Grandpa came running from the next room… he on his turn swears that he saw a black bitch skulking out of the room, he chased it but could not find it after reaching the garden… the main door to the house was wide open… and he remembered locking it himself before retiring to bed, no one took the blame for leaving it open at middle of night…”

“When husband and wife discussed their experiences with the rest of the family members the stories naturally spread, soon the whole village was talking about it and sharing their own experiences with that cursed tower.”


“Then a suggestion came too… because by that time the family members were terrified.”

“No matter how hard they tried, how many people they placed around me in my bed, everyone fell asleep at the same time, in a deep senseless slumber…. And when they woke up everything was just the way it was only the patient was slowly slipping to death.”


11 thoughts on “Black Mist and other stories

      1. Sounds great… I just wondered as I’m looking for someone to illustrate my children’s books. 🙂

      2. Can you send me the gist of the stories? I will try my hands on them and send you the pix? you can check them out and see and of course how many pix you want. It will be fun for me, painting is sort of obsession!

      3. Yes, as soon as I get that far (in planning stage right now) I shall email to you. Thank you, Trisha! 🙂

      4. I will absolutely love to do something with you. I will start animal sketches right now, my main field was landscapes without any kind of animals, sometimes birds, it will motivate to try animals 🙂

      5. Sounds great! I’ll email you a PDF so you can get an idea of what my stories are like. 🙂

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